Friday Reflection – Virabhadrasana and Hua Mulan

There’s a quote by Karl von Clausewitz that says, “Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior.” Hua Mulan, a legendary heroine is someone who embodies this quality and led her troop to victory in a war. I still remember this story when I watched the animated film back in the 1990s. As a young girl, I found the story refreshing as the main character, Mulan, was portrayed as someone who is determined, brave and strong unlike the princesses or damsel in distress in most of the fairy tales I read.

Hua Mulan was an inspiring role model to the young me and I have always wanted to accomplish something great like her.

Being brave like Mulan is easier said than done.  Back when I was in my last job, there are days when I felt I was confident enough to take on new tasks and accomplish them with great results. There are also days when I am offered tasks that I shun or forgo. I tend to think that I am not good enough for anything. To avoid myself from languishing in these unstable emotions for a prolonged period, I relied on my yoga practice to give me the strength and courage I need.

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Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose is just the perfect asana each time I sense the warrior within me morphing into a worrier.

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